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Ayurvedic tonic for men
Sattva Vigar Gold Capsules is Ayurvedic remedy which has to do with improving the masculine health. Sattva Vigar Gold Capsules promotes sexual vigor by increasing the production of healthy sperm, as well as improves men physical and psychological health. It is a natural source of plants and minerals which provide to the body necessary strength, vigor and ability to act.
Sattva Vigar Gold Capsules is Ayurvedic remedy which has to do with improving the masculine health. Sattva Vigar Gold Capsules promotes sexual vigor by increasing the production of healthy sperm, as well as improves men physical and psychological health. It is a natural source of plants and minerals which provide to the body necessary strength, vigor and ability to act.
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Массажное масло, специально разработанное для мужчин. Используется для массажа пениса. Устраняет эректильную дисфункцию и преждевременную эякуляцию. Улучшает кровообращение, стимулирует процесс регенерации кровеносных сосудов по всей длине полового члена, устраняет усталость его мышц. Дает силу и более длительную эрекцию. Улучшает физиологическое и психологическое здоровье.
Массажное масло, специально разработанное для мужчин. Используется для массажа пениса. Устраняет эректильную дисфункцию и преждевременную эякуляцию. Улучшает кровообращение, стимулирует процесс регенерации кровеносных сосудов по всей длине полового члена, устраняет усталость его мышц. Дает силу и более длительную эрекцию. Улучшает физиологическое и психологическое здоровье.
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Ayurvedic Formula for prostate health
Sattva Prostadin Capsules helps to maintain men’ sexual and reproductive health. Enhances the viability of the prostate gland at the cellular level. Supports and balances the urine flow, tones smooth muscle tissue of the genitourinary system. Reduces urethra and prostate inflammation. Rejuvenates and tones up the prostate gland.
Sattva Prostadin Capsules helps to maintain men’ sexual and reproductive health. Enhances the viability of the prostate gland at the cellular level. Supports and balances the urine flow, tones smooth muscle tissue of the genitourinary system. Reduces urethra and prostate inflammation. Rejuvenates and tones up the prostate gland.
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Tonic, curative, and rejuvenating supplement
Shilajit – it is complex natural mixture of minerals of organic and inorganic origin. Shilajit has wide range of action. It is used to strengthen the immune system. As a result treats various diseases and improves health in general. Shilajit balances and harmonizes the health of men and women at any age.
Shilajit – it is complex natural mixture of minerals of organic and inorganic origin. Shilajit has wide range of action. It is used to strengthen the immune system. As a result treats various diseases and improves health in general. Shilajit balances and harmonizes the health of men and women at any age.
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Ayurvedic elixir of life, youth and health
Chyawanprash is one the most well-known ayurvedic medicinal preparations. Its effectiveness has been proven through thousands of years of history. Modern research confirms that Chyawanprash has beneficial properties that amaze scientists and doctors. It also proves it’s amazing effect in the field of prevention and treatment of the most common diseases of our century. It has an ability to correct the health condition in all the aspects as well as to improve the quality of life. Sattva Chyawanprash Special is made of the high quality herbal and mineral ingredients by the classic recipe with the addition of saffron and aloe. It has restorative effect due to enhancing the body defenses.
Chyawanprash is one the most well-known ayurvedic medicinal preparations. Its effectiveness has been proven through thousands of years of history. Modern research confirms that Chyawanprash has beneficial properties that amaze scientists and doctors. It also proves it’s amazing effect in the field of prevention and treatment of the most common diseases of our century. It has an ability to correct the health condition in all the aspects as well as to improve the quality of life. Sattva Chyawanprash Special is made of the high quality herbal and mineral ingredients by the classic recipe with the addition of saffron and aloe. It has restorative effect due to enhancing the body defenses.
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Ayurvedic cosmetic oil
To create this massage and cosmetic oil we took as a base Ayurvedic Sattva Olyana Oil and added essential Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) oil. Used for massage as well as skin care treatment. It has antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, healing, stimulating, and tonic properties. Helpful for bronchitis, coughs, cystitis, depression and insomnia.
To create this massage and cosmetic oil we took as a base Ayurvedic Sattva Olyana Oil and added essential Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) oil. Used for massage as well as skin care treatment. It has antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, healing, stimulating, and tonic properties. Helpful for bronchitis, coughs, cystitis, depression and insomnia.
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